News Sport Classifieds Digital Edition

Community Announcement from Gannawarra Shire Council

The following is a statement from Gannawarra Shire Council regarding an incident at Quambatook on Tuesday, January 21 2025.

Council is saddened by the tragic event that occurred at Quambatook on January 21, which Victoria Police and other agencies continue to investigate.

Any loss of life in small rural communities such as Quambatook has a wider impact on the area.

Our thoughts are with family members and friends of all affected by this incident.

Council and local health services including Northern District Community Health and Kerang District Health are collaborating to ensure we have a coordinated response for urgent trauma counselling for those that need it.

Council will also provide support and resources where we can to assist agencies during the investigation and afterwards.

Anyone who needs assistance at this time is encouraged to contact:

Lifeline Australia - Phone 13 11 14 or text 0477 131 114

13YARN – Phone 13 92 76

Beyond Blue – Phone 1300 224 636

Following requests from the Quambatook community, Council asks that all media outlets please refrain from contacting Quambatook residents as the community processes this tragic incident.

The community will comment when it is ready to do so.