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In Loving Memory

Shirley Goulding

March 9, 1923 – January 21, 2022

COHUNA'S Shirley Goulding is being remembered for her "wonderful" cooking, cheeky wit, cheerful smile and engaging conversations.

Shirley died on January 21, a month short of her 99th birthday.

Son Graham said the Cohuna and district lost a well-known, local identity with the passing of his mother.

Shirley was born in Beaconsfield to Richard and Adeline Gledhill.

Richard worked for the railways and was finally appointed to Cohuna in 1929 when Shirley was six years old.

They arrived on Christmas Eve in 1929. Shirley attended the Cohuna State School and left after grade eight to work for Lunghusen's cafe.

Graham said, however, she didn't like the work or the wages so moved two house blocks away to work for Lil Morris who ran a ladies hairdressing business. Shirley looked after the house and children while Lil ran the business.

Shirley married Harold (Sandy) Goulding in 1940.

Four children were born over the following seven years – Ray, Graham, Wendy and Bev.

Besides looking after the children, Shirley became a partner in business.

Over the following years, Harold and Shirley operated the Cohuna Model Dairy delivering milk across the town, introducing bottle milk delivered in a Fordson van, bought the Kosy Korner Kafe (which oddly was not on a corner) where they became well-known for the homemade pasties and pies, the ever present cold pineapple drink and the home made milk flavouring.

Goulding's Bus Lines came next, growing to three school buses and a coach and three hire drives.

Shirley drove buses and became well-known to many school children.

By then they had moved to Kirby Street.

After Harold died, Shirley moved into Channel Street. In her lifetime she had moved houses around 15 times. Almost all of the moves in Cohuna.

In retirement, she continued her interest in craft, joined community groups such as the Cohuna Historical Society, enjoyed reading and keeping in touch with the family.

"She will be fondly remembered for her wonderful cooking, her cheeky wit, her cheerful smile, engaging in conversation with the many people who came into contact with her in so many roles, but most of all for her love of family," Graham said.

She was laid to rest at a funeral on January 31 at the Cohuna Anglican Church.

She leaves behind four children, 19 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

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