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2022 in Review - November - Kerang students celebrate

Originally Published November 22 2022

KERANG Technical High School Year 12 students celebrated the end of secondary schooling with a bang on Friday night.

Beginning as Year 7 students in 2017, the cohort's successes were reflected at the valedictory dinner.

Principal Dean Rogers said it was a tough year for the students, especially the past two months with the flood crisis.

"Their exams commenced while the town was under an 'unsafe to return order'," he said.

"Due to this emergency alert, the Kerang exam centre had to be closed. Students were given the opportunity to sit their exams in another town and this was problematic because they couldn’t return once they left.

"VCCA, the exam governing body, have been very understanding and accommodating.

"The students have been offered a derived score made up from all their work this year. They have also been offered the chance to sit exams when the opportunity becomes available then take the highest mark whether its their derived score or their exam mark.

"This effectively makes their exams a free hit and takes away a lot of the pressure.

"Now that the exam centre has opened, some students are choosing to sit their exams.

"This is a monumental effort and cannot be underestimated."