News Sport Classifieds Digital Edition

Finals fever back

AFTER 18 rounds – and two COVID-affected seasons – finals return to the Central Murray Football Netball League tomorrow, with all roads leading to Woorinen for the qualifying final.

With Cohuna and Woorinen set to clash in senior football and the Mallee Eagles and Balranald to do battle in A Grade netball, the stage is set for a big afternoon of local sport.

Excitement levels are at fever pitch, according to Central Rivers League manager Taylah Morris, who spoke with The Guardian in the lead-up to a big weekend of action.

"I think everyone is all pretty excited – a lot of the feedback we've received is that everyone's hanging out for the return of finals football and netball and hopefully that shows in crowd numbers, because its always so much more fun when you have a big crowd all cheering and supporting their team in the right way," Morris said.

With the action in the Central Murray to continue on Sunday at Nyah, the league will have double passes available for purchase at Woorinen for fans who will be attending the following day.

For full finals fixtures, visit the relevant leagues' Facebook pages.